2nd Edition, Revised Material

Form of Life and Spirit of Life

“As I began my ACIM studies in 2009 (continuing to the present), I was awed by the similarity between the spiritual truths of ACIM and the practical guidance of AA.”
~ Donald L. O’Dell

There is a form of life along with a spirit of life and these are the two sides of the same experience: a spiritual journey.

While each person has these qualities, spiritual Christians are aware of the difference between the form and spirit of living, which fives them improved ability to augment their experiences.

There is a form of life along with a spirit of life and these are the two sides of the same experience: a spiritual journey.

But let us focus over the coming few weeks on relationships as they existing everywhere in life and most importantly the relationship we have with ourself.

Three components of any relationship are emotions/feelings, thinking/perceptions, and spiritual/inner wisdom.

With my participation in ACIM and AA I have found a blending of those components but also an ability to recognize which is which.

The ability to recognize those components augment your life experiences. Over time you will arrive at a new understandings of how you create fear or joy in every situation. At first that is a tough one to acknowledge, especially if you are just escaping the illusions created from literally believing the Bible.

The Holy Spirit is the breath of life and provides endless compassion and support.

“If you but knew how much your Father yearns to have you recognize your sinlessness, you would not let His Voice appeal in vain, nor turn away from His replacement for the fearful images and dreams you made. The Holy Spirit understands the means you made, by which you would attain what is forever unattainable. And if you offer them to Him, He will employ the means you made for exile to restore your mind to where it truly is at home.” ~ ACIM 3:1-3 | W-pII.7.3:1-3

Consider this for a week, “Where are my abilities I being able to distinguish the three component of relationships in real time?

Blessings, Don
February 8, 2024

How The Bible Became The Bible

An overarching history of how the Bible developed, with practical wisdom of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), and integrating spiritual enlightenment of A Course in Miracles (ACIM).